ET2SMEs Innovation vouchers
The Einstein Telescope offers many opportunities for SME’s, large enterprises and research institutes to develop new technologies and business models.
The “ET preparatory project ET2SMEs” aims at supporting companies from different relevant industries in the development of new products in specific technology domains, in which cooperation between Science and Industry is an essential prerequisite. The economic potential is even higher, in case the developed products and technologies can be used not only for the ET, but also for other applications commercialized by industry.
Within the ET2SMEs project, a voucher scheme has been established to support companies in cross-border projects in these ET innovation activities.
This page explains the process of the voucher application and provides all relevant documents at the bottom.
Cross-border cooperation consortium

Minimum requirements
- Two technology-oriented enterprises
- Located in different countries (cross-border) in the extended Euregio Meuse-Rhine
- At least one enterprise is SME
- Other enterprises (SME or large)
- Located inside or outside the extended Euregio Meuse-Rhine
- Universities / Research Institutions
Innovation Project
- Development of ET innovative product/technology
- New to the firm or to the market
- Relevant for Einstein Telescope
- Relevant for other markets beyond ET

- Only for SME’s within the extended Euregio Meuse-Rhine
- Payment linked to the achievement of deliverables

Lead time: 9 months

Contribution: 50%

1 eligible SME
€ 25.000

>1 eligible SME
€ 50.000

Business Development contacts
Peter Gier
Matthias Grosch
Michel Stassart
Skywin BE –
Maxime Corvilain
POM Limburg BE –
René Kessen
Process overview

5 Steps for your project idea
If you want to develop your own innovation project idea, please provide us as a first step a one-pager by filling-in the following document (We help you finding a complementary partner across borders!):

Documents for your application
Based on a sound project idea, the help of our Business Developers and the right cross-border partner(s), please submit your innovation voucher application by using the following documents:
If you have any questions, please refer to our Business Development contacts.
Documents for your evaluation
Please use the following document to evaluate the results of your project after the project has been completed.
If you have any questions, please refer to our Business Development contacts.
ET2SMEs Innovation voucher Kick-off
Due to the current Corona situation, the face-to-face Technology workshops (at least of 2021) will have to be postponed.
Nevertheless, the call for innovation projects in the ET2SMEs project started on December 1st, 2021.
To give companies from Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany the best possible start for their innovation projects, a virtual meeting took place on 09 December 2021. Here, the Call for Vouchers and first exemplary innovation projects were presented and questions answered.
If you watch the video directy on YouTube, you will find all the lectures in the description with links that will take you directly to the relevant part of the video.