Aachener Gesellschaft für Innovation und Technologietransfer mbH
AGIT has been actively involved in the implementation of cross-border economic and innovation projects within the Euregio Meuse-Rhine since the 1990s. Within the framework of the most recent EMR INTERREG IV A- and V A-programmes alone, it has coordinated and successfully carried out a total of six cross-border projects (towards TTC, TeTrRA, The Locator, Automotive Cluster EMR, EarlyTech and Innovation2Market EMR+). In this way, AGIT has extensive experience in project coordination.
Your contact:
Ralf P. Meyer
+49 241 963 1039
NMWP Management GmbH
NMWP Management GmbH was founded in 2012 primarily to carry out the activities of the NanoMikroWerkstoffePhotonik.NRW state cluster (NanoMicroMaterialsPhotonics.NRW), which was put out to tender by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The aim of the state cluster is to make NRW a highly competitive and innovative state for industry and science in the field of the key enabling technologies, such as nanotechnology, microsystems technology, advanced materials, photonics and quantum technologies.
Your contact:
Matthias Grosch
+49 211 385 459-17
LIOF — the Limburg Development and Investment Company—is the regional development and investment company responsible for the Dutch province of Limburg. Our primary objective is to develop this province’s economy and its business climate. For this purpose, LIOF makes available venture capital, supports innovative projects of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and attracts foreign investors. We have been managing (financial) support programmes since 1975. Also through our geographical situation, we have been very active in Interreg-projects for EMR, as well as Flanders-Netherlands and Germany-Netherlands in previous Interreg programme periods. In the EMR context; we were lead partner of the cross-border cluster project: G.C.S. Crossborder Cluster Stimulation (2012-2015), partner in TTC, partner in HYPEREGIO / Innovation2Market. Currently, we are associated partner in DIGITSME and QRM 4.0.
Your Contact:
René Kessen
+31 615 012 630
Provinciale ontwikkelingsmaatschappij Limburg
POM Limburg, the Provincial Development Agency, is the organisation responsible for the implementation of the socio-economic policy of the province of Limburg. POM Limburg focuses on three major domains:
- Business parks: on the basis of future needs and requirements, POM Limburg offers sufficient and high-quality space for industry, with special attention to sustainability and eco-efficiency;
- Knowledge gathering and sharing about the economic performance and developments in Limburg and its five regions. The economic analyses provide insight into the preparation of future policy measures;
- Platform and project operation: POM Limburg organises interaction between companies, knowledge institutions, and government (triple helix), particularly around 8 strategic sectors that are of major importance to the Limburg economy: logistics, production, energy, creative economy, digital economy (ICT), care economy, construction, cleantech.
In this context, POM Limburg can make a substantial contribution to “INDUSTRY 4.0” projects. In order to strengthen the economic fabric of Limburg, POM Limburg also participates in innovative leverage projects such as business infrastructures to provide new business support.
Your contact:
Sam Jordens
Université de Liège
ULiège RISE is a department resulting from the merger between the ULiège Interface Enterprises (ITF) and the Administration Research & Development (ARD) and carefully guides promising ideas from ULiège to the market through the technology transfer process. In addition, ULiège RISE is committed to bringing significant value to society. This is achieved by linking groundbreaking public discoveries to the needs of industry. It is about developing partnerships with the right companies that will turn research into products that will benefit people and the economy. ULIège RISE is committed to supporting innovation, leading knowledge transfer, stimulating regional development, initiating collaborative research and encouraging creativity.
ULiège RISE is also a recognised intermediary for economic growth in the Interreg IV- and V-B North West Europe projects: Fasilis, IN2LifeSciences, B4H and B4H capitalisation , and is actively participating in ET2SMEs WPT3 Financing & Cooperation on voucher disbursement, due to its experience in previous programmes and its administrative capacity.
ULiège RISE will select and support SMEs from the Liège Science Park, but also at the Walloon level, from regional science parks (LSP, NOVALIS, CREALIS) which will call on ET2SMEs calls for vouchers.
ULiège RISE also works in close collaboration with the innovation clusters Skywin, Meca-Tech and GreenWin.
ULiège RISE is the coordinator of the E-TEST project which is designing and building a prototype – a large mirror suspended at cryogenic temperature (25 Kelvin) – the major component of the Einstein telescope interferometer. E-TEST is also conducting an underground study to map and model the geology of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. This will help define the optimal design and location of the future Einstein telescope.
A close collaboration between the E-TEST and ET2SMEs projects is very valuable in order to optimize the economic and social impact of the implementation of the Einstein Telescope in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine.
Finally, ULiège RISE is the leader of ET2SMEs WPT4-Long term Effect & Sustainability.
Your contact:
Annick Pierrard
+32 4 366 94 50
+32 474 83 47 95

Wallonie Entreprendre
Sowalfin has been active in the financing of Walloon SMEs in all sectors since 2002. It covers every stage of their development, from their creation to their transmission, including their different growth phases. In a transversal way, it has developed specific products in the field of innovation and energy transition. In addition to its historical financing activity, since 2018 Sowalfin has been entrusted by the Walloon Government with the task of steering and coordinating Walloon activities in terms of awareness and support, via products developed internally but also in collaboration with Walloon operators. Thanks to this range of skills, Sowalfin is therefore making a large portfolio of SMEs, as well as expertise and a proven operational relay, available to this project. Targeted industrial sectors are regularly referenced on our platform. This exercise involves the identification of the players that make it up on the basis of useful data that allows them to be highlighted. These entities, stakeholders in the sector to be referenced, feed our platform with data from their respective sectors. After processing and aggregation, the partners use this information with the assistance of Sowalfin. Examples of identified sectors: the biobased economy or the eco-construction sector.
Your contact
Geoffrey Parks
+32 493 18 77 06
SKYWIN Wallonie
As a Cluster, Skywin has participated in 3 European projects and 1 Interreg project aimed at increasing collaborations between industrial and scientific players in the consortia in which it participated. As part of this project, many of whose technologies and skills are close to aeronautical and especially space skills (Cryogenics, Vacuum, Optics, Vibrations, etc.), Skywin can easily bring together a large number of actors to develop cross-border collaborations . In addition, Skywin will act as a relay to other Walloon clusters that can also bring complementary skills (MECATECH Cluster and GREENWIN Cluster for example)
Your contact:
Michel Stassart
+32 475 804 700